Rabu, Maret 05, 2008

Kejenuhan II

Yang dikatakan Nunu benar sekali. Dan kejenuhan pada pekerjaan adalah hal yang normal. Siapa saja, di bidang apa saja, pasti pernah mengalaminya. Yang patut dicermati adalah frekuensi dan intensitasnya. Kalau Anda lebih sering jenuh daripada "ringan", lebih sering depressed dari pada "senang", sebaiknya Anda pergi konsultasi dengan psikiater. Seriously. It may be more to it than what's there.

Having said that, kunci dari semuanya adalah balance. Physically dan spiritually. Ask yourself these questions:

Did I lead a balanced life?
Did I eat right? Too much carb can lead to depression. Healthy diet helps your body fight stress.
Did I exercise regularly? It's a no brainer. Exercising fights stress. Make time. You exercise, you feel better!
Do I have other things in life that can make me happy? Simple things are best. Talk to your cat. Try on new recipe atau invent a new recipe. Invite fiends over for dinner. Fly a kite. Karaoke. Go shopping. Paint. Write poem. Get a hair cut (hopefully a good one!). Anything. Anything that can cheer you up..
When was the last time I hug my spouse? my friends? my family?
When was the last time I "give" to, or help, others? Look around you. Reach out and offer help.
Have I seen any funny or interesting movie lately?
What music do I like to listen to lately? Any new band, or new sound out there? new concert?
Any interesting book? Maybe it's time to check out the library atau visit toko buku.
How am I spiritually? When was the last time I pray? Do anything spiritual that will lift your spirit. Even a simple meditation can do magic! Or go to places where you can feel small.
Do I care? about myself? my children? my family? my friends? my surroundings? Look around.
The list is endless.

Point is: advertising is just advertising. It is NOT everything. Yet, everything is inter-connected. Dan dalam perjalanan kreatif, in pursuit of excellence, kita mudah lupa akan hal-hal lain disekeliling kita dan terpuruk kedalam jurang pekerjaan yang sarat dengan stress. Dan seringkali, kala berada dalam kejenuhan dan depresi, kita tak dapat melihat diluar "garis" kelam kejenuhan itu, tak dapat melihat the light at the end of the tunnel, dan akhirnya malah makin tenggelam lagi dalam pusaran kejenuhan. Frustrasi dan lelah.

Karena itu, seriously, kalau Anda merasa jenuh, take a break! It is a sophisticated warning mechanism your body is equipped to tell you that something is not right. So, listen carefully and take that much needed break, dan lakukan a little soul searching. Seperti yang Nunu katakan, different people different flavor. Lakukan shalat atau prayer, go see a movie, telepon kawan-kawan lama untuk pergi makan bersama or do a little reunion, do silly stuff, go see a cheesy Hong Kong movie, kunjungi saudara atau kerabat, hug your friends, pick up a book, dengar musik (mungkin musik yang belum pernah Anda dengar sebelumnya atau yang tidak familiar sama sekali, atau bahkan musik-musik lama yang penuh nostalgia), pergi ke konser, dugem, run the treadmill, volunteer, kunjungi panti asuhan dan see what you can do to help. Many, many things you can do, or give, yang in return akan mengembalikan (atau dapat menjaga) keseimbangan jiwa-raga. Dengan jiwa-raga yang seimbang, Anda akan mudah meladeni rasa jenuh, ataupun depresi. Dan lebih dari itu, kreatifitas Anda akan pulih, segar menghadapi aneka tantangan baru.

Semoga membantu!

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