Visiperkasa Group sedang mencari copywriter, baik senior maupun junior. Persyaratan:
1. Super kreatif
2. Sanggup kerja keras siang-malam
3. Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
4. Bernyali besar dan berani ambil resiko
Silakan kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, portfolio, dan pas foto via email: budivisiperkasa@ id. Paling lambat 31 Maret 2010. Terima kasih.
Senin, Maret 22, 2010
Jumat, Maret 19, 2010
IdeaWorks; a photography, branding and design company based in Kelapa Gading - North Jakarta; is looking for creative and talented people to complement its creative team. We need motivated persons to strengthen us in expanding our magazine / publication business.
We welcome those with nice personality, positive attitude/integrity, strong commitment, and able to work as a team yet still having fun in a fast paced and hard working environment.
We are looking for FEATURE WRITERS or JOURNALISTS (Code: FE) with:
- Preferably Female, with at least 1 year of working experience in feature writing (fresh graduate are encouraged to apply)
- Excellent skill in English (a MUST, majoring in English Literature or Fashion is preferred) and Indonesian, both oral and in writing
- Excellent wordsmith skill, able to create catchy phrase, play and twist words with ease
- Resourceful / strong social networking, has a wide spectrum of knowledge and always updated with current trends, globally and locally, with strong sense in fashion, property, leisure and food industry
- Able to work on multiple projects with concentration, enthusiasm and extra hours - as needed
- Strong creative and conceptual thinking
If you think you have what it takes to join our creative team, kindly send your resume (with recent photograph) and your asking salary to: micz123@yahoo. com (please attach samples of your writing in English) with the 'Code' as the Subject, not later than Thursday 1 Apr 2010.
Only short listed people will be contacted and interviewed.
Thank you for your kind attention.
We welcome those with nice personality, positive attitude/integrity, strong commitment, and able to work as a team yet still having fun in a fast paced and hard working environment.
We are looking for FEATURE WRITERS or JOURNALISTS (Code: FE) with:
- Preferably Female, with at least 1 year of working experience in feature writing (fresh graduate are encouraged to apply)
- Excellent skill in English (a MUST, majoring in English Literature or Fashion is preferred) and Indonesian, both oral and in writing
- Excellent wordsmith skill, able to create catchy phrase, play and twist words with ease
- Resourceful / strong social networking, has a wide spectrum of knowledge and always updated with current trends, globally and locally, with strong sense in fashion, property, leisure and food industry
- Able to work on multiple projects with concentration, enthusiasm and extra hours - as needed
- Strong creative and conceptual thinking
If you think you have what it takes to join our creative team, kindly send your resume (with recent photograph) and your asking salary to: micz123@yahoo. com (please attach samples of your writing in English) with the 'Code' as the Subject, not later than Thursday 1 Apr 2010.
Only short listed people will be contacted and interviewed.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Rabu, Maret 17, 2010
Sebuah perusahaan advertising multinasional memerlukan copywriter yang:
• logis tapi imajinatif
• idealis tapi realistis
• puitis tapi humoris
• PeDe tapi rendah hati
• passionate tapi sabar
• berbakat tapi rajin belajar
Silakan kirim CV & portfolio ke dinadedet66@
paling lambat 31 Maret 2010.
• logis tapi imajinatif
• idealis tapi realistis
• puitis tapi humoris
• PeDe tapi rendah hati
• passionate tapi sabar
• berbakat tapi rajin belajar
Silakan kirim CV & portfolio ke dinadedet66@
paling lambat 31 Maret 2010.
Senin, Maret 15, 2010
Alooo semuaaa... sekarang aku punya blog baru yg akan lebih banyak bicara ttg branding,brand building dan strategi marcomm. Blog ini sy dedikasikan bagi para pengusaha UKM.
Postingan pertamaku berjudul 'Membangun Brand itu Seperti Memelihara Seorang Anak"
aku kutipin ya???
Kemarin saya ketemu dengan seorang pelaku usaha garmen yang mengaku masih level UKM.. tapi omzet per bulannya sudah mencapai angka 300jt/bl dengan jumlah karyawan 50 orang. Dia masih muda, educated, dan memasuki dunia usaha dengan cara trial & error... mengalami banyak kegagalan sebelum akhirnya mencapai titik keberhsilan pada hari ini.
Dia telah memiliki sebuah brand dengan core yang menurut saya sudah benar, logo yang sesuai dan packaging yang sudah cantik. Tanpa disadarinya, dia telah meletakkan pondasi bagi berkembangnya sebuah brand...
Dia agak terkesima ketika saya jelaskan, bahwa membangun brand itu hampir mirip dengan melahirkan dan memelihara serta membesarkan seorang anak. Gimana mungkin...? Katanya. Lalu saya jelaskan, bahwa bila seorang anak punya nama, kepribadian, image, dan peran dalam kehidupan.. maka demikian pula lah sebuah brand!
Brand yang dibangun dengan benar melalui materi marcomm serta branding yang terintegrasi, dengan strategi yang cerdas dan tepat, maka suatu saat ia pun akan berada di tengah target marketnya dengan memiliki kepribadian yang kuat, positioning yang tepat...dan pada akhirnya mampu bertahan serta memiliki brand value yang tinggi.
Brand yang dibangun dengan baik, akan menjadi asset perusahaan yang nilainya bahkan BISA lebih besar dari nilai perusahaan itu sendiri! Banyak contoh kasus seperti ini, misalnya cocacola dan disney.
Bran yang telah memiliki nilai yang tinggi juga akan bisa di leverage ke anak-anak brand yang berikutnya, dengan sejak awal merencanakan brand architecture nya....
So, tumbuhkanlah brand anda dengan perencanaan yang matang...sebagaimana anda merancang masa depan putra/putri anda...agar kelak ia tumbuh besar, sehat, berkepribadian yang kuat...dan pada giliranya akan memiliki ‘nilai’di mata masyarakat sekitarnya!
Postingan pertamaku berjudul 'Membangun Brand itu Seperti Memelihara Seorang Anak"
aku kutipin ya???
Kemarin saya ketemu dengan seorang pelaku usaha garmen yang mengaku masih level UKM.. tapi omzet per bulannya sudah mencapai angka 300jt/bl dengan jumlah karyawan 50 orang. Dia masih muda, educated, dan memasuki dunia usaha dengan cara trial & error... mengalami banyak kegagalan sebelum akhirnya mencapai titik keberhsilan pada hari ini.
Dia telah memiliki sebuah brand dengan core yang menurut saya sudah benar, logo yang sesuai dan packaging yang sudah cantik. Tanpa disadarinya, dia telah meletakkan pondasi bagi berkembangnya sebuah brand...
Dia agak terkesima ketika saya jelaskan, bahwa membangun brand itu hampir mirip dengan melahirkan dan memelihara serta membesarkan seorang anak. Gimana mungkin...? Katanya. Lalu saya jelaskan, bahwa bila seorang anak punya nama, kepribadian, image, dan peran dalam kehidupan.. maka demikian pula lah sebuah brand!
Brand yang dibangun dengan benar melalui materi marcomm serta branding yang terintegrasi, dengan strategi yang cerdas dan tepat, maka suatu saat ia pun akan berada di tengah target marketnya dengan memiliki kepribadian yang kuat, positioning yang tepat...dan pada akhirnya mampu bertahan serta memiliki brand value yang tinggi.
Brand yang dibangun dengan baik, akan menjadi asset perusahaan yang nilainya bahkan BISA lebih besar dari nilai perusahaan itu sendiri! Banyak contoh kasus seperti ini, misalnya cocacola dan disney.
Bran yang telah memiliki nilai yang tinggi juga akan bisa di leverage ke anak-anak brand yang berikutnya, dengan sejak awal merencanakan brand architecture nya....
So, tumbuhkanlah brand anda dengan perencanaan yang matang...sebagaimana anda merancang masa depan putra/putri anda...agar kelak ia tumbuh besar, sehat, berkepribadian yang kuat...dan pada giliranya akan memiliki ‘nilai’di mata masyarakat sekitarnya!
Sabtu, Maret 13, 2010
Jadi Copywriter Sekaligus Business Owner,Kenapa Tidak?
Setelah mempelajari ilmu copywriting.. apakah mesti melamar jadi copywriter..?? alamaakh! Jadul bangeeetsss!!! Tuh mindset kudu di restart deh...! Haree genee... jangan cuma cari kerja dong...tapi cari duit...kalo bisa mah, kasih kerjaan sama orang! Ya nggak seeeh!!
The beauty about writing my new book is: saya sendiri belajar menjadi pengusaha! Menjadi small business owner dulu... dgn memanfaatkan kemampuan saya menulis materi promosi. Do it yourself business deh!
Artikel berikut ini, salah satu yg membuka mata saya, bahwainternet business tuh cocok banget sama kerjaan seorang copywtiter... coba aja baca yaaa???!
sumber: Troycummings
Before You Spend Hundreds, Or Even Thousands Of Dollars Hiring A Copywriter To Write Your Ads For You, READ THIS!
You should always know your product inside and out. This is why you can write better ad copy in certain situations — than SOME COPYWRITERS WHO MAKE UP TO $100,000.00 FOR WRITING AN AD!!
Mail order is a form of marketing, and if you really want to make the most money possible, you should learn how to do all of these things yourself. Almost everyone in direct response marketing uses outside copywriters, but it is much better for you to do it yourself and get that direct involvement with your copy and your offers.
Who knows more about the product that you develop than you? Answer: NO ONE! You are the most qualified expert as to what your product or service can do for your customers and/or clients. Therefore, you are the best person to write the ad copy!
The beauty about writing my new book is: saya sendiri belajar menjadi pengusaha! Menjadi small business owner dulu... dgn memanfaatkan kemampuan saya menulis materi promosi. Do it yourself business deh!
Artikel berikut ini, salah satu yg membuka mata saya, bahwainternet business tuh cocok banget sama kerjaan seorang copywtiter... coba aja baca yaaa???!
sumber: Troycummings
Before You Spend Hundreds, Or Even Thousands Of Dollars Hiring A Copywriter To Write Your Ads For You, READ THIS!
You should always know your product inside and out. This is why you can write better ad copy in certain situations — than SOME COPYWRITERS WHO MAKE UP TO $100,000.00 FOR WRITING AN AD!!
Mail order is a form of marketing, and if you really want to make the most money possible, you should learn how to do all of these things yourself. Almost everyone in direct response marketing uses outside copywriters, but it is much better for you to do it yourself and get that direct involvement with your copy and your offers.
Who knows more about the product that you develop than you? Answer: NO ONE! You are the most qualified expert as to what your product or service can do for your customers and/or clients. Therefore, you are the best person to write the ad copy!
Senin, Maret 01, 2010
Ten Secrets Of The Highest Paid Copywriters In The World!
artikel ini saya sunting dr bukunya Troy Cummings, yg menjadi sumber utama buku yg sdg saya tulis (itu lho, yg copywriting utk small bussiness)...
jadi ngiler juga ya ngebaca copywiter di onoh nge charge sampai 15000 dollar per script!!
doi ini ngajarin business owner supaya bisa nulis iklan sendiri.... jadi, saya share supaya you guys knows how precious is our job!!
Ok? Met baca ya...? Just keep in your mind: bahwa apa pun yg kita tulis, ini bisa berarti UANG buat client....
so, kalo di otak kita ni isisnya 'kata kata kata dan kata..." mk di otak klien tuh isinya 'uang duit money dan profit'...hehehe...
Learning the secrets of writing great advertising copy can make you HUGE amounts of money. There have been times when we have earned as much as $1,000 and more for every hour we spent writing our ads and sales letters. The same thing could potentially happen to you, too. Here are ten copywriting secrets the best copywriters use:
1. They do everything possible to know every aspect of their products and services. They look for uniqueness, special features, and benefits they can offer to the prospect or customer.
2. They learn everything they can about the market their sales material is targeted to reach.
3. They know the right words, phrases, or approaches that will make their offer more effective.
4. They learn everything they can about the competition. They find out how their products compare in value and quality. And they know what type of promotional techniques can be useful to outsell the competition.
5. They know how to gather testimonials to increase the response of their ads and sales letters.
6. They collect and study ads that have offered similar products. They do this to get creative ideas that help them with their ads. They seek out ads that have been running continually. These ads help them avoid duplicating unsuccessful efforts of others.
7. They focus on the ultimate goal of each ad or sales letter. To whom is it written? What is the end result they are after?
8. They know how to create irresistible offers that make people want to buy.
9. They know the importance of testing as many different elements as possible, and they do this.
10. They know how to close. They know how to create strong sales presentations, and how to make the sale.
Great advertising copywriters are made - not born. You can learn these ten things and possibly earn a fortune in the process. Listen closely: Advertising copywriters charge up to $15,000 or more just to write a simple Direct-Mail package. They get paid these huge fees because of all the money their sales material can generate. But remember this: You’ll always make more money writing your own advertising copy then you could ever earn by freelancing for others. Learn these skills for yourself, to sell your own products or services. These skills can help you make money for the rest of your life.
jadi ngiler juga ya ngebaca copywiter di onoh nge charge sampai 15000 dollar per script!!
doi ini ngajarin business owner supaya bisa nulis iklan sendiri.... jadi, saya share supaya you guys knows how precious is our job!!
Ok? Met baca ya...? Just keep in your mind: bahwa apa pun yg kita tulis, ini bisa berarti UANG buat client....
so, kalo di otak kita ni isisnya 'kata kata kata dan kata..." mk di otak klien tuh isinya 'uang duit money dan profit'...hehehe...
Learning the secrets of writing great advertising copy can make you HUGE amounts of money. There have been times when we have earned as much as $1,000 and more for every hour we spent writing our ads and sales letters. The same thing could potentially happen to you, too. Here are ten copywriting secrets the best copywriters use:
1. They do everything possible to know every aspect of their products and services. They look for uniqueness, special features, and benefits they can offer to the prospect or customer.
2. They learn everything they can about the market their sales material is targeted to reach.
3. They know the right words, phrases, or approaches that will make their offer more effective.
4. They learn everything they can about the competition. They find out how their products compare in value and quality. And they know what type of promotional techniques can be useful to outsell the competition.
5. They know how to gather testimonials to increase the response of their ads and sales letters.
6. They collect and study ads that have offered similar products. They do this to get creative ideas that help them with their ads. They seek out ads that have been running continually. These ads help them avoid duplicating unsuccessful efforts of others.
7. They focus on the ultimate goal of each ad or sales letter. To whom is it written? What is the end result they are after?
8. They know how to create irresistible offers that make people want to buy.
9. They know the importance of testing as many different elements as possible, and they do this.
10. They know how to close. They know how to create strong sales presentations, and how to make the sale.
Great advertising copywriters are made - not born. You can learn these ten things and possibly earn a fortune in the process. Listen closely: Advertising copywriters charge up to $15,000 or more just to write a simple Direct-Mail package. They get paid these huge fees because of all the money their sales material can generate. But remember this: You’ll always make more money writing your own advertising copy then you could ever earn by freelancing for others. Learn these skills for yourself, to sell your own products or services. These skills can help you make money for the rest of your life.
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