Kamis, Februari 25, 2010


Kalo saya posting lowongan nih dilematis deeeh... ada yg protes tapi juga ada yg bersyukur... gimana dooooong..!!!

Soalnya lagi males nulis sendiri jadinya copy paste aja lowongan yang ada! hehehehe...ketahuan deh.

Gini nih kalo mood lagi ngga banget. Tadi habis subuh (apa sebelum subuh ya...? Saya tuh lagi nulis artikel berjudul 'THE POWER OF USP' tapi sampe jam segini nih belon kelaaar....apa pasal?????

Yasud, ini lowonganya mudah2an berguna yach?!!!

One of top ten advertising agencies is currently seeking highly motivated individuals with positive attitude to compete our challenge as :


Male/female, max. 30 years old, single

Possess at least Diploma Degree (D3) in Communication or equivalent

At least 5 years experience in the same position in Top 10 Advertising Agencies

Creative, possess strong conceptualizing skills

General Requirements:

Fluent in English both oral and written

Energetic and flexible person

Hard working and able to work independently as well as in a team

Able to overcome rush job and also work under pressure

Have willingness to work overtime

Submit your application, CV, PORTFOLIO and recent photograph within two weeks after this advertisement to:

http://www.dwisapta .com

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