Kamis, Februari 28, 2013


Halo semuaaaa............... maaf ya lama nggak ngeblog soalnya lagi dikejar deadlines!!
Nih bulan ini lagi banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak....banget lowongan untuk penulis...silahkan dibaca bacacacacacacacacacacacacacaa...sapa tahu ada yg nyangkut!

Oh ya, yang butuh kerjaan freelance, bisa masuk ke forum copywritingskill.com ya, karena saya baru aja posting freelance jobs baru!



CopyWriter (CW)
Experience and Qualities:

- At least 5 years of working experience as Copywriter in the creative industry

- Experience in creating concept for TVC advertisement, radio. print Ad campaign, digital marketing communications, etc.

- Broad area in term of writing style

- Good communication skills, customer oriented, cooperative and proficient in both bahasa Indonesia and English

- Love, as in can't-live-without-reading, writing, creative blogging or anything writing related activities.

Resourceful, web-savvy, microsoft office literate

- anti-plagiarism personality is a must

- Creative, innovative, good presentation skills, and strong conceptual thinking

Please send your CV and some of your best and recent works to :

(For copywriter and art director please compress your portfolio to LESS than 5MB zip file)

PT. Safety Sign Indonesia

Kami adalah Perusahaan berkembang yang bergerak di bidang pengadaan media komunikasi QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment)/ K3 (Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja) untuk industri Migas, Manufaktur, BUMN dan berbagai jenis industri lainnya.
Kami sedang membutuhkan staf di kantor kami dengan suasana kerja yang menyenangkan, penuh kekeluargaan dengan banyak karyawan muda yang kreatif,  untuk ditempatkan sebagai :



• Pria/ Wanita
• Kreatif
• Menyukai Bidang Copywriting
• Sanggup dan terbiasa membuat copywriting kreatif dan menarik untuk tagline poster, leaflet, dan content artikel.
• Minimal dapat berbahasa Inggris pasif
• Memiliki blog sendiri lebih disukai
• Pendidikan minimal D3
• Berdomisili di Bandung atau siap ditempatkan di Bandung
• Skill komunikasi yang baik
• Berbadan sehat,tidak mengidap penyakit berat
• Posisi ini untuk full time employee bukan freelance

Kirimkan lamaran Anda, CV dengan Foto Terbaru, Portofolio Copywriting jenis content artikel dan tagline kreatif, tagline poster (kalau pernah membuat) dan ASLI buatan Anda ke:

HRD Manager
PT. Safety Sign Indonesia

melalui email dengan subject "COPY" ke alamat email:

Buat rekan2 CW dg pengalaman 2-3 tahun, berminat utk bantu memperkuat Hakuhodo Lotus, monggo lho kirim2 CV ke budi.santoso@hakuhodolotus.com

Ditunggu yah. Mwah mwah.
4.  maaf sebelumnya, berhubung kami belum menemukan kandidat yang cocok,
maka kami melakukan repost untuk posisi yg sama:

berwawasan luas
english proficiency
always learning
Minimum experience of 1-2 years

Advance DI capability
Strong conceptually
Smart Folio and thinking
minimum experience of 1-2 years.

Send your resume to admin@komunikasia.com

5.  Dwi Sapta Group membutuhkan dengan sangat cepat personil-personil untuk posisi dibawah ini :

1. Associate Creative Director (Copy Based)
2. Sr. Copywriter
3. Sr. Art Director
4. Visualizer
Please send your CV, recent photograph and portfolio to : roisa.apsari@dwisapta.com

6.  Zag, a new full service agency is looking for Art Directors, junior/senior graphic designers, interns, copy writers, client service (junior and senior) finance, reception (pretty much everybody actually). In terms of requirements it's easy. They gotta be great in what they do.

Zag is established by Axel Schmidt and Surja Handoko. Axel Schmidt is a keen creative director whose has been involved in handling many big brand like Gulaku, Bir Bintang, etc. Surja Handoko is a player in Indonesia's communication industry since over a decade. He for example played a crucial role in building A MIld at Sampoerna into Indonesia's number one cigarette brands.

They have signed a great house with pool too at Kemang Raya, and we will be up and running 1st of March, as they have to start service their first brand.

Enough intro, please send your CV to: axelsimonschmidt@gmail.com

zag brand agency
jl. kemang raya 69
Jakarta 12730, indonesia

7.  perushaan design dan advertising di jakarta pusat membutuhkan:

min d3
creative and imaginative
loves reading and learning

creative thinker
design software whizkid
kick ass folio

send your work sample to gc1@rocketmail.com

JUNIOR AE/Marketer
wanita max 26th
joy to talk to
ulet dan pantang menyerah
min d1-d3

send your cv to gc1@rocketmail.com

thank you

8.  We at Lines Creative, are constantly looking for a talented creative team of GD / AD / CW & AE to take part in our work force.
Recruiting NOW:
• Female or Male
• Passion in design / writing with good taste
• Conceptual thinker, workaholic, able to work in a speed manner & can manage daily workflow which required multiple tasking
• Insightful & good writing skills in both English & Indonesia language
• Responsible, organized
• Good work ethic & attitude
Please apply with your updated resume + work / portfolio by email. Attach your recent photograph and send them immediately to think@linescreative.com
Only short listed candidate will be notified.
You may view our inspiring works at : www.linescreative.com
9.  Urgently Needed:

> Have a passion in journalism and night life
> Fluency in English
> Ability to work as a team
> Able to meet tight deadline
> Not easy to get nervous around sexy woman (calm like James Bond with his Bond Girl)
> As strong as Chuck Norris
> Willing to spend your night like in the Project X movie
> Get into whiskey rather than baileys (kidding? no its serious dude)

Are you interested?

Send your goddamn resume to redaksi@maximindonesia.co.id

See you soon folk roll ladies!

Requirement:- Bachelor's degree in journalistic/English or else. Fresh graduates are welcome :)
- English & Indonesian literate is A MUST
- Good communication skill
Working experience in related fields will be a great advantage (especially from design/advertising agencies)
-  Attention to detail is a must
Have a passion in corporate writing, marketing and promotion, or scriptwriting
- Creative, responsible, initiative, team work, and able to work under pressure
Well literate in computer software (min. Microsoft Word) and internet communication 
  (min. email, browsing)
Send your CV & portfolio so we can see your ability. Could be link to your online portfolio or attached - Min 3 MB ( BEST Portfolio)
Send your CV & portfolio/sample writing or your blog link! 