Jumat, April 27, 2012

Five Tips for Writing Email Copy That Sells

Artikel ini sy copas dari email Marketingprofs.....semoga bermanfaat!!

 Writing copy for your email campaign can be daunting, in large part because "it needs to successfully navigate the line between creativity and calculated buying psychology," notes the Marketfish blog.

"It's all about climbing inside the customer's head and mining for the words that will make that person buy your product."

 So how do you get it just right?

Consider bits of advice like the following.

 Choose clarity over creativity.

You won't win any prizes—or convert any subscribers—with compound-complex sentences, five-syllable words, and extended metaphors.

Your message should be easily digestible, even if a reader merely scans your email.

 Write in the second person. It's what we're doing here, and it makes your reader feel like you're talking directly to her. "Just use 'you' and 'your' and write like you're having a conversation," Marketfish advises.

Rabu, April 18, 2012


Hai apa kabar?
Mulai awal Mei nanti, Saya akan kembali membuka offline class di Jakarta jadwal sbb.:
1. Sabtu & Minggu jam 10 00 – 12 00 Kelas Creative Fundamentals & Copywriting, 23x pertemuan
2. Sabtu & Minggu jam 10 00 – 12 00 Kelas Copywriting, 14 x pertemuan
3. Sabtu & Minggu jam 14 00 – 16 00 kelas Good Copywriter, 26x pertemuan
4. Sabtu & Minggu jam 19 00 – 21 00 kelas Brand Planning, 14x pertemuan
5. Selasa – Jum’at jam 10 00 – 16 00 kelas intensif reguler (worksop,learning by doing) selama 1 bulan penuh dengan berbagai macam pilihan kelas.
Adapun detil materi yang diajarkan bisa dilihat di link-link ini:
Lokasi kelas di Blok M, Jaksel. Detil alamat hanya akan diberikan kepada siswa.
Karena ruanganya kecil, maka saya hanya akan melayani 5 siswa per kelas, dengan biaya mulai Rp 500 000/pertemuan atau mulai Rp 3 000 000/paket pengajaran (14 x pertemuan).
Yang berminat silahkan kirim email ke nunusijilbab@yahoo.com sebelum 4 Mei 2012
Trimsbuat semuanya...maaf kalo info ini mengganggu.
Nunu Nur Tri Andini