Kamis, Desember 30, 2010

Why “The Intrigue” Headline Works Every Time

by Bernadette Schwerdt

The purpose of the "Intrigue" headline is to create an air of curiosity about your service and to compel the customer to find out more.
Here are a few examples:
This one could be used by doctors (if they were allowed to advertise!):
Can You Pass The Cholesterol Test? You Could Be At Risk. Click Here To Take The Test.

This one’s for osteopaths:
How Healthy Are Your Bones? Sign Up For Your Free Bone Density Test Here.
For image consultants:
Do You Know What Colour Best Suits You? Don’t Buy Another Thing Until You’ve Done This Test. Click Here Now.
This one’s for pyschologists:
Are You Scared Of Flying? Cure Your Fear Of Flying In Just 2 Hours.

Kamis, Desember 16, 2010


Halo semua..!
Mulai Desember ini aku ada di Surabaya dan siap membuka kelas offline yang modulnya berisi pengajaran basic creativity.

Supaya pada sempet nabung, kelas akan kubuka Februari 2011.

Biaya:Rp 2 500 000,-

Forum membership selama 10 tahun + 23 kali pertemuan di kelas offline


1. Pengertian dan ruang lingkup kreatif periklanan
2. Penciptaan gagasan dasar
3. Proses berpikir kreatif/creative thinking
4. Perumusan panduan kreatif
5. Latihan merumuskan big idea / brainstorming
6. Strategi Kreatif 1
7. Strategi Kreatif Periklanan 2
8. Penyusunan CWP (creative work plan)
9. Teknik Eksekusi Pesan Iklan
10. Pengenalan dan ruang lingkup pekerjaan copywriting
11. Proses kerja copywriting
12. Latihan merumuskan masalah, khalayak sasaran dan inti pesan
13. Teknik dasar penulisan naskah iklan
14. Teknik penulisan naskah iklan cetak
15. Latihan menulis naskah iklan cetak
16. Teknik penulisan naskah iklan radio
17. Latihan menulis naskah iklan radio
18. Teknik penulisan naskah iklan TV
19. Latihan menulis naskah iklan TV
20. Teknik penulisan naskah iklan luar ruang
21. Latihan menulis naskah iklan luar ruang
22. Teknik penulisan naskah iklan media interaktif
23. Latihan menulis naskah iklan media interaktif

bagi yg berminat silahkan login ke forum ya..?


Kamis, Desember 09, 2010


Currently MACS909 invites all passionate and hard working individuals to join our sanctuary and fill the following positions:

Senior Copywriter

- Min. 2-4 year(s) experience in the same position with reliable track record
- Experience on handling telecommunication/retail account would be an advantage
- Eager to learn
- Good interpersonal and presentation skill
- High initiative and self-leadership
- Not limiting yourself with working hours
- Good English proficiency (speaking and writing)
- Well-organized
- Highly motivated, open minded, has a good teamwork

Interested to join? :)

Simply find your way to our sanctuary by sending your latest CV, current photograph, and portfolio (for positions no. 4-7) to:
dwina.mayesti@macs909.com (dwina dot mayesti at macs909 dot com), cc to dwinamayesti@gmail.com

Please put the position applied on your email subject.

Closing date: December 14, 2010

We will keep your data in strictly confidential and only shortlisted candidate will be notified.

Thank you!